A supposed fire-breathing monster in Lycia with the head of a lion, body of a goat, and tail of a dragon or snake, killed by the hero Bellerophon.
Former name of Ceraunian Mountains, the Albanian mountain range near Himara.
Former name of Himara, a port town in southern Albania.
A fire-spewing mountain in Lycia or Cilicia, presumed to be an ancient name for the Yanartaş region of Turkey's Antalya Province.
An early computer game, later popular on mobile phones, in which the player attempts to manoeuvre a perpetually growing snake so as to collect food items and avoid colliding with walls or the snake's tail.
A surname.
The sixth of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar.
A river in the northwestern United States, tributary to the Columbia