An unincorporated community in Logan County, West Virginia, United States.
A female given name from Ancient Greek of medieval usage, rare today.
A male given name from Ancient Greek found in England since the twelfth century.
A surname originating as a patronymic.
Of, like or relating to Jesus Christ.
Of, like or relating to Protestant Christians.
Of, like or relating to Christianity or Christians.
Kind, charitable; moral; a term of approbation.
A believer in Christianity.
An adherent of Christianity who is not a Catholic; a Protestant.
An individual who seeks to live his or her life according to the principles and values taught by Jesus Christ.
An unincorporated community in Hampshire County, West Virginia.
Plato's metaprinciple of proper systemic function between principles; the fundamental Platonic form which enables knowledge and metacognition, and from which other concepts such as truth, justice and virtue derive meaning.
A surname.