The eighth letter of the English alphabet, called aitch and written in the Latin script.
Pornographic in a way characteristic of hentai.
Synonym of AH: in the year of the Hegira, used to mark dates employing the Islamic calendar.
A hypothetical source proposed to underlie the Holiness Code and to have influenced various other parts of the Torah.
A pencil of grade H.
A grade of pencil with lead that makes darker marks than a pencil of grade 2H; a pencil with hard lead.
The eighteenth letter of the English alphabet, called ar and written in the Latin script.
rex (“king”) or regina (“queen”); the initial by which a British monarch signs documents after his or her name
the Crown, the government of a monarchy (abbreviating rex (“king”) or regina (“queen”))
runs, the statistic reporting the number of runs scored by a player
right (as opposed to left)
In the context of the documentary hypothesis, the Redactor(s) who compiled and edited the Torah.