Tight (inclined to play only strong starting hands and fold otherwise) and aggressive (inclined to raise often).
Highly stimulating to the senses.
Having an offensive or intense odor or flavor.
Having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient.
Having a specified number of people or units.
Severe; very bad or intense.
Having a wide range of logical consequences; widely applicable. (Often contrasted with a weak statement which it implies.)
Capable of producing great physical force.
Inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak, such as Germanic verbs which change vowels.
Determined; unyielding.
Having a high alcoholic content.
Not easily subdued or taken.
Having wealth or resources.
Impressive, good.
That completely ionizes into anions and cations in a solution.
Having a lot of power.
Capable of withstanding great physical force.
In a strong manner.