To express joy or pleasure, especially by the interjection aah.
To express amazement or surprise or enthusiasm, especially by the interjection aah.
Indication of sympathy.
Indication of mouth being opened wide.
Indication of amazement or surprise or enthusiasm.
To express understanding.
Indication of joyful pleasure.
The sound of one screaming (with as many a's or h's as needed for emphasis).
Expression of joy and/or pleasure.
The exclamation aah.
Expression of amazement, surprise, enthusiasm, or fear.
To sing or utter in falsetto.
A person who sings in falsetto.
The "false" (singing) voice in any human, usually airy and lacking a purity of vowels; created by utilizing the next highest vocal folds above those used for speech and normal range singing. It is commonly confused with the head voice register.