To miscarry; to bring forth (non-living) offspring prematurely.
To cause a premature termination of (a fetus); to end a pregnancy before term.
To abandon a mission at any point after the beginning of the mission and prior to its completion.
To terminate a mission involving a missile or rocket; to destroy a missile or rocket prematurely.
To end prematurely; to stop in the preliminary stages; to turn back.
To become checked in normal development, so as either to remain rudimentary or shrink away wholly; to cease organic growth before maturation; to become sterile.
To stop or fail at something in the preliminary stages.
To terminate a process prior to completion.
To cause an organism to develop minimally; to cause rudimentary development to happen; to prevent maturation.
The function used to abort a process.
An early termination of a mission, action, or procedure in relation to missiles or spacecraft; the craft making such a mission.
An event in which a process is aborted.
To bring into existence; (sometimes in particular:)
In theatre, to be the first performer of a role; to originate a character.
To confer or invest with a rank or title of nobility, to appoint, ordain or constitute.
To cause, to bring (a non-object) about by an action, behavior, or event, to occasion.
To make or produce from other (e.g. raw, unrefined or scattered) materials or combinable elements or ideas; to design or invest with a new form, shape, function, etc.
To make a fuss, complain; to shout.
To be or do something creative, imaginative, originative.
To bring into existence out of nothing, without the prior existence of the materials or elements used.