To suffer pain; to be the source of, or be in, pain, especially continued dull pain; to be distressed.
To cause someone or something to suffer pain.
Continued dull pain, as distinguished from sudden twinges, or spasmodic pain.
Often followed by out: to perform (music) which conveys or say (words) which express strong desire or longing.
To make (cheese) from curdled milk.
To long for something in the past with melancholy or nostalgia.
Of milk: to curdle, especially in the cheesemaking process.
Of music, words, etc.: to express strong desire or longing.
To curdle (milk), especially in the cheesemaking process.
To have a strong desire for something or to do something; to long for or to do something.
Of cheese: to be made from curdled milk.
A strong desire or longing; a yearning, a yen.