To seek after ambitiously or eagerly; to covet.
Eager or inordinate desire for some object that confers distinction, as preferment, honor, superiority, political power, or fame; desire to distinguish one's self from other people.
An object of an ardent desire.
A personal quality similar to motivation, not necessarily tied to a single goal.
A desire, as in (sense 1), for another person to achieve these things.
To obtain or procure: used especially of a business resource.
To find information about (a quotation)'s source (from which it comes): to find a citation for.
A reporter's informant.
Source code.
The name of one terminal of a field effect transistor (FET).
Spring; fountainhead; wellhead; any collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates.
The person, place, or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired.