To create based on theory or general knowledge rather than data.
To theorize based on analysis of data that was gathered previously; to reflect.
Remote from actual involvement, including a person retired from previously active involvement.
Unqualified or uninformed but yet giving advice, especially on technical issues, such as law, architecture, medicine, military theory, or sports; relating to such advice.
Hypernyms: chair, furniture
A chair with supports for the arms or elbows.
To acquire knowledge on a subject with the intention of applying it in practice.
To endeavor diligently; to be zealous.
To look at minutely.
To review materials already learned in order to make sure one does not forget them, usually in preparation for an examination.
To take a course or courses on a subject.
To fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon anything in thought; to muse; to ponder.
A room in a house intended for reading and writing; traditionally the private room of the male head of household.
The human face, bearing an expression which the observer finds amusingly typical of a particular emotion or state of mind.
Mental effort to acquire knowledge or learning.
Any particular branch of learning that is studied; any object of attentive consideration.
An endgame problem composed for artistic merit, where one side is to play for a win or for a draw.
An artwork made in order to practise or demonstrate a subject or technique.
An academic publication.
A piece for special practice; an étude.
The act of studying or examining; examination.
One who commits a theatrical part to memory.