To coat or line with asbestos.
To insulate or buffer.
To expose to asbestos; to cause to suffer asbestosis.
Any of several fibrous mineral forms of magnesium silicate, used for fireproofing, electrical insulation, building materials, brake linings, chemical filters, suits, fireman's gloves, etc.
Any of asbestos-like forms of several minerals, asbestiforms
To cover with or encase in concrete (building material).
To solidify: to change from being abstract to being concrete (actual, real).
An extract of herbal materials that has a semi-solid consistency, especially when such materials are partly aromatic.
Specifically, a building material created by mixing cement, water, and aggregate such as gravel and sand.
Sugar boiled down from cane juice to a solid mass.
A dessert of frozen custard with various toppings.
A term designating both a quality and the subject in which it exists; a concrete term.
Made of concrete, a building material.
Being or applying to actual things, not abstract qualities or categories.
Real, actual, tangible.
Particular, specific, rather than general.
United by coalescence of separate particles, or liquid, into one mass or solid.