To associate ownership or authorship of (something) to someone.
To ascribe (something) to a given cause, reason etc.
That which is predicated or affirmed of a subject; a predicate; an accident.
A semantic item with which a method or other code element may be decorated.
An object that is considered typical of someone or some function, in particular as an artistic convention.
A word that qualifies a noun.
A characteristic or quality of a thing.
An option or setting belonging to some object.
To sell a debt or debts to an agent (the factor) to collect.
To find all the factors of (a number or other mathematical object) (the objects that divide it evenly).
To be a product of other objects.
A person or business organization that provides money for another's new business venture; one who finances another's business.
One of the elements, circumstances, or influences which contribute to produce a result.
Influence; a phenomenon that affects the nature, the magnitude, and/or the timing of a consequence.
A resource used in the production of goods or services, a factor of production.
An agent or representative.
A commission agent.
A business organization that lends money on accounts receivable or buys and collects accounts receivable.
A steward or bailiff of an estate.
Any of various objects multiplied together to form some whole.