strong smell (of)
An explosion.
A sudden percussive noise.
An explosive product.
A thrill.
An offbeat figure typical of reggae songs and played on guitar and piano.
A factorial, in mathematics, because the factorial of n is often written as n!
An act of sexual intercourse.
A strike upon an object causing such a noise.
An injection, a shot (of a narcotic drug).
An abrupt left turn.
The symbol !, known as an exclamation point.
With a sudden impact.
Right, directly.
To inject intravenously.
To hit hard.
To engage in sexual intercourse.
To hammer or to hit anything hard.
To cut squarely across, as the tail of a horse, or a person's forelock; to cut (the hair).
To make sudden loud noises, and often repeatedly, especially by exploding or hitting something.
A sudden percussive sound, such as made by the firing of a gun, slamming of a door, etc.
The musky perfume produced by the animal.
Any of several species of spotted skunk, in the genus Spilogale.
A carnivorous catlike animal, Civettictis civetta, that produces a musky secretion. It is two to three feet (30–90 cm) long, with black bands and spots on the body and tail.
Any animal in the family Viverridae or the similar family Nandiniidae