A pilot whale, genus Globicephalus (occasionally also used for various other whales).
The Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, especially a female after spawning.
Any of various dark-coloured fish of the Old World, especially the rudderfish (Centrolophus niger).
Any of various dark-coloured fishes of Australasia, especially the luderick, Girella tricuspidata, and a freshwater fish, Gadopsis marmoratus.
Either of two dark-coloured fish of the west Atlantic, the tautog of New England (Tautoga onitis) and the black sea bass (Centropristis striata).
To go fishing for blackfish.
To adopt signifiers of black identity (for example, by darkening the skin, or wearing traditionally black hairstyles).
A small cetacean of the family Phocoenidae, related to dolphins and whales.
Any small dolphin.
Said of an air-breathing aquatic animal such as a porpoise or penguin: To repeatedly jump out of the water to take a breath and dive back in a continuous motion.
Said of an aircraft: to make a series of plunges when taking off or landing; or of a watercraft: to successively plunge up and down in the water.