To indicate by signs, as future events; to be an omen of; to portend or foretell.
simple past tense of bide
To betoken or augur something good or bad that will happen in the future.
A stop; a halting; delay.
An omen; a foreshadowing.
A herald; a messenger.
To imply or tacitly confer excuse for an action or a behavior.
To qualify or approve for some role or position; to render sanction or authorization to; to confirm suitability for.
To yield the opportunity or provide the possibility for something; to provide with means, opportunities, and the like.
To activate, to make operational (especially of a function of an electronic or mechanical device).
To affirm; to make firm and strong.
To put a circuit element into action by supplying a suitable input pulse.
To make somebody able (to do, or to be, something); to give sufficient ability or power to do or to be; to give strength or ability to.