Counterfeit or fake; not genuine.
Of a totally fictitious issue printed for collectors, often issued on behalf of a non-existent territory or country (not to be confused with forgery, which is an illegitimate copy of a genuine stamp).
Undesirable or harmful.
Based on false or misleading information or unjustified assumptions.
Incorrect, useless, or broken.
A liquor made of rum and molasses.
Having the character of imitation; jocular.
To attempt to deceive or confuse; To joke; To kid.
The Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua.
The cocoon of a silkworm.
Other not closely related fish which are similarly important to regional fisheries, as the hapuku and cultus cod.
The sea fish of the family Gadidae which are sold as "cod", as haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and whiting (usually Merlangius merlangus).
A joke or an imitation.
The meat of any of the above fish
Other not closely related fish which resemble the Atlantic cod, as the rock cod (Lotella rhacina) and blue cod (Parapercis colias).
A stupid or foolish person.
The sea fish of the genus Gadus generally, as inclusive of the Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) and Greenland cod (Gadus ogac or Gadus macrocephalus ogac).