Fancy or good-looking, without the same connotations of snobbery or pretentiousness as in sense 1.
Behaving like or pertaining to people of a higher social status, middle-class / bourgeois people (sometimes carrying connotations of fakeness, elitism, or snobbery).
A wax candle.
A tapered cylindrical instrument for introducing an object into a tubular anatomical structure, or to dilate such a structure, as with an esophageal bougie.
A person who exhibits bougie behavior.
Fashionable, socially acceptable, tasteful.
Completed or finished.
Ready, fully cooked.
Being exhausted or fully spent.
Without hope or prospect of completion or success.
Having completed or finished an activity.
Expresses that a task has been completed.
Expresses agreement to and conclusion of a proposal, a set of terms, a sale, a request, etc.
Used in forming the perfective aspect; have.
simple past tense of do; did.