Fancy or good-looking, without the same connotations of snobbery or pretentiousness as in sense 1.
Behaving like or pertaining to people of a higher social status, middle-class / bourgeois people (sometimes carrying connotations of fakeness, elitism, or snobbery).
A wax candle.
A tapered cylindrical instrument for introducing an object into a tubular anatomical structure, or to dilate such a structure, as with an esophageal bougie.
A person who exhibits bougie behavior.
Smart, trim, and elegant in appearance; fastidious (said of a person).
To tease.
To make oneself spruce (neat and elegant in appearance).
To arrange neatly; tidy up.
Made of the wood of the spruce.
The wood of a spruce.
Any of various large coniferous evergreen trees or shrubs from the genus Picea, found in northern temperate and boreal regions; originally and more fully spruce fir.