A round piece of dough.
A single-crystal ingot produced by synthetic means.
A round loaf of bread.
A through-sawn log with the slices restacked in the order and orientation they originally had in the log, usually with waney edges.
A council of citizens in Ancient Greece
One of the bowls used in the French game of boules.
To shape (a piece of dough) into a ball.
Chocolate fudge.
Light or frothy nonsense.
Fecal matter; feces.
A type of very sweet candy or confection, usually made from sugar, butter, and milk or cream.
A deliberately misleading or vague answer.
A less than perfect decision or solution; an attempt to fix an incorrect solution after the fact.
To try to avoid giving a direct answer.
To cheat, especially in the game of marbles.
To alter something from its true state, as to hide a flaw or uncertainty, deliberately but not necessarily dishonestly or immorally.
Used in place of fuck.