A tiny piece of bread, either one that falls from bread as it is cut or eaten, or one made deliberately by crumbling bread.
A single link in a chain indicating the hierarchical location of a directory, web page or similar, used as a navigation aid.
One in a series of clues leading to a person or place.
To add navigational breadcrumbs to (a web page or user interface).
To use clues or enticements to lead someone in the desired direction.
To sprinkle breadcrumbs on to food, normally before cooking.
The top or bottom slice of a loaf of bread; The end piece of a loaf; The heel.
An outer layer composed of pastry
The shell of crabs, lobsters, etc.
The outermost layer of any terrestrial planet.
Nerve, gall.
The outermost layer of the lithosphere of the Earth.
The external, hardened layer of certain foodstuffs, including most types of bread, fried meat, etc.
A living.
The bread-like base of a pizza.
A more solid, dense or hard layer on a surface or boundary.
To cover with a crust.
To form a crust.