Consisting of segments united by joints.
Speaking in a clear and effective manner.
Distinctly marked off.
Clear; effective.
To bend or hinge something at intervals, or to allow or build something so that it can bend.
To make clear or effective.
To explain; to put into words; to make something specific.
To speak clearly; to enunciate.
to form a joint or connect by joints
to attack a note, as by tonguing, slurring, bowing, etc.
An animal of the subkingdom Articulata.
Made of sections or layers, one on top of the other.
Having buildings, especially having residences and high population density.
Constructed or enhanced.
(of an area of land) Having street lights and therefore subject to a 30 mph speed limit.
Having increased in size, quantity, or intensity over time; accumulated.
(of an area of land) Having specific traffic signaling and therefore usually subject to a maximum 50 km/h speed limit.