In ancient Rome, a kind of amulet or boss.
A rich Jamaican cake made with molasses and spiced with ginger and nutmeg.
A blister, vesicle, or other thin-walled cavity or lesion, as
(usually and especially) Such a blister that is more than 5 mm in diameter.
A clay envelope or hollow ball, typically with seal impressions or writing on its outside indicating its contents.
Later, a handwritten document from the papal chancellery.
The tympanic part of a temporal bone (having a bubble-like appearance)
The crown containing the viscera of crinoids and similar echinoderms, entoprocts, and the polyps of some cnidarians.
A chamber in the mammalian kidney through which urine passes.
The outermost whorl of flower parts, comprising the sepals, which covers and protects the petals as they develop.
A flattened cap of neuropil in the brain of insects.
A funnel-shaped expansion of the vas deferens or oviduct of insects.