Any of several other similar plants. (See below)
Matricaria recutita (formerly known as Matricaria chamomilla), German chamomile or Hungarian chamomile, with fragrant flowers used for tea, and as an herbal remedy.
Chamaemelum nobile (formerly Anthemis nobilis), English chamomile or Roman chamomile, a ground cover with fragrant foliage.
Any of a genus of composite plants (Buphthalmum) with large yellow flowers.
Leucanthemum vulgare
A titmouse, especially the great titmouse (Parus major) or the blue titmouse (Parus caeruleus).
The corn camomile (Anthemis arvensis).
Heteranthemis viscidehirta
Heliopsis spp.
A fish Boops boops; the bogue, or box.
Telekia speciosa
The dunlin (Calidris alpina)