To replace.
To replace one's clothing.
To replace the clothing of (the one wearing it).
To change hand while riding (a horse).
To transfer to another vehicle (train, bus, etc.)
To become something different.
To make something into something else.
The process of becoming different.
A change-up pitch.
An amount of cash, usually in the form of coins, but sometimes inclusive of paper money.
Small denominations of money given in exchange for a larger denomination.
Balance of money returned from the sum paid after deducting the price of a purchase.
A transfer between vehicles.
Any order in which a number of bells are struck, other than that of the diatonic scale.
A replacement.
To reverse or change the order of (two or more things); to swap or interchange.
To rewrite or perform (a piece) in another key.
To rearrange elements in a matrix, by interchanging their respective row and column positional indicators.
To give force to a directive by passing appropriate implementation measures.
To reach a position that may also be obtained from a different move order.
To move (a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other, reversing the sign of the term.
A matrix with the characteristic of having been transposed from a given matrix.
The process of rearranging elements in a matrix, by interchanging their respective row and column positional indicators.
The resulting matrix, derived from performing a transpose operation on a given matrix.