The glass flue surrounding the flame of an oil lamp.
A narrow cleft in a rock face; a narrow vertical cave passage.
A black eye; a shiner.
The smokestack of a steam locomotive.
A vagina.
A vertical tube or hollow column used to emit environmentally polluting gaseous and solid matter (including but not limited to by-products of burning carbon- or hydrocarbon-based fuels); a flue.
To negotiate a chimney (narrow vertical cave passage) by pushing against the sides with back, feet, hands, etc.
A tin can containing beer.
Anything that is hollow and cylindrical in shape.
The London Underground railway system, originally referred to the lower level lines that ran in tubular tunnels as opposed to the higher ones which ran in rectangular section tunnels. (Often the tube.)
A television. Compare cathode ray tube and picture tube.
An approximately cylindrical container, usually with a crimped end and a screw top, used to contain and dispense semiliquid substances.
An idiot.
A wave which pitches forward when breaking, creating a hollow space inside.
To supply with, or enclose in, a tube.
To intubate.
To ride an inner tube.