The musky perfume produced by the animal.
Any of several species of spotted skunk, in the genus Spilogale.
A carnivorous catlike animal, Civettictis civetta, that produces a musky secretion. It is two to three feet (30–90 cm) long, with black bands and spots on the body and tail.
Any animal in the family Viverridae or the similar family Nandiniidae
The neck of a bird.
A genre of electronic music native to Chicago, noted for its fast, abstract rhythms; see footwork.
A roadside cafe or bar, especially one with dancing and sometimes prostitution.
A feint.
To manipulate deceptively.
to stab
To deceive or outmaneuver, using a feint.
to hit
To bend the neck; to bow or duck the head.
to play dance music, or to dance, in a juke
to thrust with the pelvis, in particular for sexual intercourse
To deceive or outmaneuver someone using a feint, especially in American football or soccer