The target set into which a function is formally defined to map elements of its domain; the set denoted Y in the notation f : X → Y.
A function.
An imaginary or fictional area, often predefined and confined, where a game or a session thereof takes place.
A visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary, showing the relative positions of places and other features.
Synonym of associative array.
Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genera Araschnia (especially, Araschnia levana) and Cyrestis, having map-like markings on the wings.
A graphical or logical representation of any structure or system, showing the positions of or relationships between its components.
To assign a drive letter to a shared folder.
To have a direct relationship; to correspond.
To represent by means of a map.
To create a map of; to examine or survey in order to gather information for a map.
To create a direct relationship to; to create a correspondence with.
To act as a function on something, taking it to something else.