To blush (to go red).
To exchange a high number of low-value chips (of one color) for a lower number of higher value (of a different color), but keeping the same overall value.
To flash, glitter, or sparkle.
To adorn or decorate (something).
To fix spangles or sparkling objects to (something); to bespangle.
A speckle or spot, especially on the body of an animal.
Any small sparkling object.
A point of light; also (rare), a glitter, a sparkle.
A small, flat piece of sparkling metallic or metal-like material with a hole which is sewn on to a garment, etc., for decoration; a sequin.
A shiny particle of a mineral.
A star.
Any of a number of swallowtail butterflies (genus Papilio); specifically Papilio protenor.