A difference in the calculation of nearly identical intervals by different ways.
A brief interval.
In Ancient Greek rhetoric, a short clause, something less than a colon, originally denoted by comma marks. In antiquity it was defined as a combination of words having no more than eight syllables in all. It was later applied to longer phrases, e.g. the Johannine comma.
The punctuation mark ⟨,⟩ used to indicate a set of parts of a sentence or between elements of a list.
A similar-looking subscript diacritical mark.
Any of various nymphalid butterflies of the genus Polygonia, having a comma-shaped white mark on the underwings, especially Polygonia c-album and Polygonia c-aureum of North Africa, Europe, and Asia.
A delimiting marker between items in a genetic sequence.
To place a comma or commas within text; to follow, precede, or surround a portion of text with commas.
A difference or ratio between results, characteristics, scores.
A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits.
The edge or border of any flat surface.
The yield or profit; the selling price minus the cost of production.
margin of victory
That which is ancillary; periphery.
The edge defining inclusion in or exclusion from a set or group.
The edge of the paper, typically left blank when printing but sometimes used for annotations etc.
Collateral security deposited with a broker, to compensate the broker in the event of loss in the speculative buying and selling of stocks, commodities, etc.
To enter (notes etc.) into the margin.
To trade (securities etc.) on margin (collateral).
To add a margin to.