conceit vs simplicity


  • A novel or fanciful idea; a whim. 

  • Quickness of apprehension; active imagination; lively fancy. 

  • The faculty of conceiving ideas; mental faculty; apprehension. 

  • Design; pattern. 

  • Overly high self-esteem; vain pride; hubris. 

  • An ingenious expression or metaphorical idea, especially in extended form or used as a literary or rhetorical device. 


  • Lack of subtlety or abstruseness; clarity 

  • Lack of artificial ornament, pretentious style, or luxury; plainness 

  • Lack of complication; efficiency. 

  • The quality or state of being not complex, or of consisting of few parts 

  • The quality or state of being unmixed or uncompounded 

  • Lack of sharpness of mind; lack of ability to think using complex ideas; stupidity 

How often have the words conceit and simplicity occurred in a corpus of books? (source: Google Ngram Viewer )