A raccoon.
A member of a colorfully dressed dance troupe in Cape Town during New Year celebrations.
A black person who "plays the coon"; that is, who plays the dated stereotype of a black fool for an audience, particularly including Caucasians.
A coonass; a white Acadian French person who lives in the swamps.
A black person.
To crawl while straddling, especially in crossing a creek.
To fish by noodling, by feeling for large fish in underwater holes.
To play the dated stereotype of a black fool for an audience, particularly including Caucasians.
To traverse by crawling, as a ledge.
To hunt raccoons.
A raccoon (Procyon spp, especially Procyon lotor)
A small carnivorous mammal, Bassariscus astutus, somewhat like a raccoon, native to the southwestern United States and Mexico
A common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus), native to eastern Australia
A capuchin monkey (Cebus spp.)
Any of various damselflies of the genus Austrolestes, of Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific islands
A ringsail.
A ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta)