adult male singer who uses head tone or falsetto to sing far higher than the typical male vocal range
male singing voice far higher than the typical male vocal range
a part or section performing a countermelody against the tenor or main part
Clarity, especially of musical sound in reproduction.
The action or process of defining.
The act of defining; determination of the limits.
A statement expressing the essential nature of something; formulation
A clear instance conforming to the dictionary or textbook definition.
A statement which provides a previous declaration with a value or body of a subroutine (in the case of function).
A statement that establishes the referent of a term or notation.
The action or power of describing, explaining, or making definite and clear.
Sharp demarcation of outlines or limits.
A statement of the meaning of a word or word group or a sign or symbol (dictionary definitions).
Clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail.
A product of defining.
The degree to which individual muscles are distinct on the body.