The berry of this shrub.
A shrub native to the cool temperate areas of the Northern Hemisphere (Vaccinium vitis-idaea).
Gaultheria procumbens, native to North America, having solitary white flowers and aromatic leaves (checkerberry or teaberry)
Genus Chimaphila (prince's pine, pipsissewa)
The aroma of the oil, methyl salicylate, however derived.
Genus Orthilia
The spicy red berries of Gaultheria procumbens.
Genus Pyrola, native to northern temperate and Arctic regions.
Some species of the herbaceous genus Trientalis, in family Primulaceae (chickweed wintergreen)
Chimaphila maculata – striped wintergreen, pipsissewa
The oil, methyl salicylate, obtained from these berries.
Gaultheria humifusa – alpine wintergreen
Genus Moneses
Gaultheria ovatifolia – western teaberry or Oregon spicy wintergreen