Recognition for having taken a course (class).
Reliance on the truth of something said or done; faith; trust.
A source of value, distinction or honour.
A person's credit rating or creditworthiness, as represented by their history of borrowing and repayment (or non payment).
A unit of currency used in a fictional universe or timeframe.
The time given for payment for something sold on trust.
Written titles and other information about the TV program or movie shown at the beginning and/or end of the TV program or movie.
Acknowledgement of a contribution, especially in the performing arts.
An addition to certain accounts; the side of an account on which payments received are entered.
A reduction in taxes owed, or a refund for excess taxes paid.
A nominal unit of value assigned outside of a currency system.
A course credit, a credit hour – used as measure if enough courses have been taken for graduation.
Recognition, respect and admiration.
A privilege of delayed payment extended to a buyer or borrower on the seller's or lender's belief that what is given will be repaid.
To believe; to put credence in.
To acknowledge the contribution of.
To bring honour or repute upon; to do credit to; to raise the estimation of.
To add to an account.
The level of one's position in a class-based society.
A hierarchical level in an organization such as the military.
One of the eight horizontal lines of squares on a chessboard (i.e., those identified by a number).
The maximal number of linearly independent columns (or rows) of a matrix.
The maximum quantity of D-linearly independent elements of a module (over an integral domain D).
The size of any basis of a given matroid.
One's position in a list sorted by a shared property such as physical location, population, or quality.
The dimensionality of an array (computing) or tensor.
In a pipe organ, a set of pipes of a certain quality for which each pipe corresponds to one key or pedal.
A level in a scientific taxonomy system.
A category of people, such as those who share an occupation or belong to an organisation.
A row of people or things organized in a grid pattern, often soldiers.
Strong in growth; growing with vigour or rapidity, hence, coarse or gross.
Complete, used as an intensifier (usually negative, referring to incompetence).
Strong to the senses; offensive; noisome.
Having a very strong and bad taste or odor.
Causing strong growth; producing luxuriantly; rich and fertile.
Suffering from overgrowth or hypertrophy; plethoric.
Strong of its kind or in character; unmitigated; virulent; thorough; utter (used of negative things).
Gross, disgusting.
To have a ranking.
To place abreast, or in a line.
To take rank of; to outrank.
To assign a suitable place in a class or order; to classify.