A rushing or violent onset.
Violent strike; a whack.
The dashboard of a Tumblr user.
A small quantity of a liquid substance etc.; less than 1/8 of a teaspoon.
Any of the following symbols: ‒ (figure dash), – (en dash), — (em dash), or ― (horizontal bar).
A short run, flight.
Ostentatious vigor.
The longer of the two symbols of Morse code.
A slight admixture.
A bribe or gratuity; a gift.
A dashboard.
A hyphen or minus sign.
To leave or depart.
To complete hastily.
To ruin; to destroy.
To dishearten; to sadden.
To sprinkle; to splatter.
To run quickly or for a short distance.
To destroy by striking (against).
To draw or write quickly; jot.
To throw violently.
Rushed action.
an incidence of a defensive player forcing the quarterback to act faster than the quarterback was prepared to, resulting in a failed offensive play.
A tremolando passage for violins, etc., accompanying an exciting situation.
Often with up, to speed up the rate of doing something.
To cause to be done quickly.
To hasten; to impel to greater speed; to urge on.
To do things quickly.
To impel to precipitate or thoughtless action; to urge to confused or irregular activity.
To put: to convey coal in the mine, e.g. from the working to the tramway.