The period of time between sunrise and sunset.
A light source that simulates daylight.
A clear, open space.
Emotional or psychological distance between people, or disagreement.
Exposure to public scrutiny.
The intensity distribution of light over the visible spectrum generated by the Sun under various conditions or by other light sources intended to simulate natural daylight.
The light from the Sun, as opposed to that from any other source.
The gap between the top of a drinking-glass and the level of drink it is filled with.
The space between platens on a press or similar machinery.
To expose to daylight
To provide sources of natural illumination such as skylights or windows.
To allow light in, as by opening drapes.
To gain exposure to the open.
To run a drainage pipe to an opening from which its contents can drain away naturally.
A period of time at the end of day when the sun is below the horizon but before the full onset of night, especially the darker part of twilight.
A darkish colour.
The condition of being dusky; duskiness
Tending to darkness or blackness; moderately dark or black; dusky.
To begin to lose light or whiteness; to grow dusk.
To make dusk.