To fasten or hold with, or as if with, a cramp iron.
(of a muscle) To contract painfully and uncontrollably.
To form on a cramp.
To affect with cramps or spasms.
To prohibit movement or expression of.
To restrain to a specific physical position, as if with a cramp.
To bind together; to unite.
A clamp for carpentry or masonry.
A painful contraction of a muscle which cannot be controlled.
That which confines or contracts.
A piece of wood having a curve corresponding to that of the upper part of the instep, on which the upper leather of a boot is stretched to give it the requisite shape.
To fasten or secure with a deadbolt.
A kind of lock in which the bolt (moving portion) is held in position by the cylinder rather than by a spring and so cannot be retracted except by turning the cylinder.
The part of the lock which is moved when the key is engaged.