To consider worthy (to); to be pleased (with); to accept.
To officially sanction; to ratify; to confirm; to set as satisfactory.
To make profit of; to convert to one's own profit — said especially of waste or common land appropriated by the lord of the manor.
To regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of.
To object to something vociferously; to rail against in speech.
To recite, e.g., poetry, in a theatrical way; to speak for rhetorical display; to speak pompously, noisily, or theatrically; bemouth; to make an empty speech; to rehearse trite arguments in debate; to rant.
To speak rhetorically; to make a formal speech or oration; specifically, to recite a speech, poem, etc., in public as a rhetorical exercise; to practice public speaking.