delight vs rapture


  • Joy; pleasure. 

  • Something that gives great joy or pleasure. 

  • To give delight to; to affect with great pleasure; to please highly. 

  • To have or take great pleasure. 


  • Extreme pleasure, happiness or excitement. 

  • A spasm; a fit; a syncope; delirium. 

  • In some forms of fundamentalist Protestant eschatology, the event when Jesus returns and gathers the souls of living and deceased believers. (Usually "the rapture".) 

  • To state (something, transitive) or talk (intransitive) rapturously. 

  • To take part in the Rapture; to leave Earth and go to Heaven as part of the Rapture. 

  • To take (someone) off the Earth and bring (them) to Heaven as part of the Rapture. 

How often have the words delight and rapture occurred in a corpus of books? (source: Google Ngram Viewer )