To claim a right to something.
To require of someone.
To ask forcefully for information.
To request forcefully.
To issue a summons to court.
An urgent request.
The desire to purchase goods and services.
An order.
The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price.
A forceful claim for something.
A requirement.
More precisely peak demand or peak load, a measure of the maximum power load of a utility's customer over a short period of time; the power load integrated over a specified time interval.
To claim the right of working a mine that is abandoned or insufficiently worked.
To make a formal or public accusation against; to inform against; to accuse.
To criticize or speak out against (someone or something); to point out as deserving of reprehension, etc.; to openly accuse or condemn in a threatening manner; to invoke censure upon; to stigmatize; to blame.
To announce the termination of; especially a treaty or armistice.