To request forcefully.
To require of someone.
To claim a right to something.
To ask forcefully for information.
To issue a summons to court.
An urgent request.
The desire to purchase goods and services.
An order.
The amount of a good or service that consumers are willing to buy at a particular price.
A forceful claim for something.
A requirement.
More precisely peak demand or peak load, a measure of the maximum power load of a utility's customer over a short period of time; the power load integrated over a specified time interval.
To desire vehemently.
To be thirsty.
Sexual lust.
A want and eager desire (for something); a craving or longing.
A sensation of dryness in the throat associated with a craving for liquids, produced by deprivation of drink, or by some other cause (such as fear, excitement, etc.) which stops the secretion of the pharyngeal mucous membrane.
The condition producing the sensation of thirst.