A fraud; something carried out with the intention of deceiving, usually for personal, often illegal, gain.
The conversion of part of a building.
An organized gathering, such as a convention, conference, or congress.
A convicted criminal, a convict.
A disadvantage of something, especially when contrasted with its advantages (pros).
A political conservative.
To trick or defraud, usually for personal gain.
To study or examine carefully, especially in order to gain knowledge of; to learn, or learn by heart.
A person in desperate circumstances or who is at the point of desperation, such as a down-and-outer, an addict, etc.
A person who is desperately in love or is desperate for a romantic or sexual relationship.
A bold outlaw, especially one from southern portions of the Wild West.
A piece that seems determined to give itself up, typically to bring about stalemate or perpetual check.