The action of detaching; separation.
A permanent unit organized for special duties.
Indifference to the concerns of others; disregard; nonchalance; aloofness.
The state of being detached or disconnected; insulation.
The separation of a military unit from the main body for a particular purpose or special mission.
The unit so dispatched.
Absence of bias; impartiality; objectivity.
Any smaller portion of a main body separately employed.
Fervor, determination.
A display, musical composition, or play meant to commemorate the suffering of Jesus.
The suffering of Jesus leading up to and during his crucifixion.
An object of passionate or romantic love or strong romantic interest.
Any great, strong, powerful emotion, especially romantic love or extreme hate.
A true desire sustained or prolonged.
Sexual intercourse, especially when very emotional.
To give a passionate character to.