A council or assembly of leaders; a formal deliberative assembly.
Any habitual intake or consumption.
A session of exams
A controlled regimen of food and drink, as to gain or lose weight or otherwise influence health.
The proceedings under a criminal libel.
A clerical or ecclesiastical function in Scotland.
The food and beverage a person or animal consumes.
To modify one's food and beverage intake so as to decrease or increase body weight or influence health.
To regulate the food of (someone); to put on a diet.
Containing less fat, salt, sugar, or calories than normal, or claimed to have such.
Having certain traits subtracted.
To fatigue, tire, or weary (someone or something).
A bad-tempered or disreputable woman.
A succulent plant, Crassula ovata.
A semiprecious stone, either nephrite or jadeite, generally green or white in color, often used for carving figurines.
A bright shade of slightly bluish or greyish green, typical of polished jade stones.
A horse too old to be put to work.
Of a grayish shade of green, typical of jade stones.