disdain vs fuck


  • To regard (someone or something) with strong contempt. 

  • A feeling of contempt or scorn. 


  • Used to express great displeasure with, or contemptuous dismissal of, someone or something. 

  • To insert one's penis, a dildo, or other object, into a person or a specified orifice or cleft sexually; to penetrate. 

  • To have sexual intercourse; to copulate. 

  • To defraud, deface, or otherwise treat badly. 

  • Used in a phrasal verb: fuck with (“to play with, to tinker”). 

  • To be very good, to rule, go hard. 

  • To have sexual intercourse with. 

  • To put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation. 

  • To break, to destroy. 

  • To make a joke at one's expense; to make fun of in an embarrassing manner. 

  • To throw, to lob something. (angrily) 

  • To scold. 

  • Expressing surprise. 

  • Expressing dismay or discontent. 

  • A semi-voluntary vocalization in place of a gasp. 

  • Used as a shortened form of various common interrogative phrases. 

  • The smallest amount of concern or consideration. 

  • A sexual partner, especially a casual one. 

  • A highly contemptible person. 

  • An act of sexual intercourse. 

  • Used as an intensifier for the words "yes" and "no". 

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