disgrace vs stigma


  • The state of being dishonored, or covered with shame. 

  • The condition of being out of favor; loss of favor, regard, or respect. 

  • Something which brings dishonor; the cause of reproach or shame; great discredit. 

  • To put someone out of favor; to bring shame or ignominy upon. 


  • A mark of infamy or disgrace. 

  • A mark on the body corresponding to one of the wounds of the Crucifixion on Jesus' body, and sometimes reported to bleed periodically. 

  • A scar or birthmark. 

  • A visible sign or characteristic of a disease. 

  • An outward sign; an indication. 

  • A ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau, (Ϛ/ϛ). 

  • The sticky part of a flower that receives pollen during pollination. 

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