An act of disagreeing with, or deviating from, the views and opinions of those holding authority.
Disagreement with the ideas, doctrines, decrees, etc. of a political party, government or religion.
A violation that arises when disagreement with an official call is expressed in an inappropriate manner such as foul language, rude gestures, or failure to comply.
A separate opinion filed in a case by judges who disagree with the outcome of the majority of the court in that case
To disagree; to withhold assent. Construed with from (or, formerly, to).
To differ from, especially in opinion, beliefs, etc.
An exclamation of pleasure or approval, usually transcribed with an exclamation point.
Response that confirms that the user is paying attention.
Used to ask for more information with a request.
Answer to a question presuming one answer when all answers are correct.
Used to indicate disagreement or dissent in reply to a negative statement.
Used to show agreement or acceptance.
An affirmative expression; an answer that shows agreement or acceptance.
A vote of support or in favor/favour of something.
that is correct
to agree with, affirm, approve.
to attempt to flatter someone by habitually agreeing