To break the continuity of; to disconnect; to loosen; to undo; to separate.
To terminate a union of multiple members actively, as by disbanding.
To be disintegrated by such immersion.
To disperse, drive apart a group of persons.
To resolve itself as by dissolution.
To disintegrate chemically into a solution by immersion into a liquid or gas.
To destroy, make disappear.
To liquify, melt into a fluid.
To be melted, changed into a fluid.
To shift from one shot to another by having the former fade out as the latter fades in.
To relax by pleasure; to make powerless.
To annul; to rescind; to discharge or release.
a form of film punctuation in which there is a gradual transition from one scene to the next
To divide; to separate; to break the monotony of.
To disturb or halt (an ongoing process or action, or the person performing it) by interfering suddenly.
To assert to (a computer) that an exceptional condition must be handled.
An event that causes a computer or other device to temporarily cease what it was doing and attend to a condition.