Specifically, a feature that causes someone or something to stand out as being better; a mark of honour, rank, eminence or excellence; being distinguished.
That which distinguishes; a single occurrence of a determining factor or feature, the fact of being divided; separation, discrimination.
The act of distinguishing, discriminating; discrimination.
An element believed to determine someone's character or individual tendencies, caused by the position of the stars and planets at the time of one's birth.
A person or thing exerting such power or action.
Electrostatic induction.
The power to affect, control or manipulate something or someone; the ability to change the development of fluctuating things such as conduct, thoughts or decisions.
An action exerted by a person or thing with such power on another to cause change.
To exert, make use of one's influence.
To have an effect on by using gentle or subtle action; to exert an influence upon; to modify, bias, or sway; to persuade or induce.