A fraud; something carried out with the intention of deceiving, usually for personal, often illegal, gain.
The conversion of part of a building.
An organized gathering, such as a convention, conference, or congress.
A convicted criminal, a convict.
A disadvantage of something, especially when contrasted with its advantages (pros).
A political conservative.
To trick or defraud, usually for personal gain.
To study or examine carefully, especially in order to gain knowledge of; to learn, or learn by heart.
A trick, evasion or wile. (Now mainly in the expression tax dodge.)
An act of dodging.
A line of work.
To follow by dodging, or suddenly shifting from place to place.
To avoid (something) by moving suddenly out of the way.
To decrease the exposure for certain areas of an image in order to make them darker (compare burn).
To avoid; to sidestep.