Actual or threatened force for the purpose of compelling action by another person; the act of coercing.
A specific instance of coercing.
Use of physical or moral force to compel a person to do something, or to abstain from doing something, thereby depriving that person of the exercise of free will.
Conversion of a value of one data type to a value of another data type.
The process by which the meaning of a word or other linguistic element is reinterpreted to match the grammatical context.
Restraint in which a person is influenced, whether by lawful or unlawful forceful compulsion of their liberty by monition or implementation of physical enforcement; legally for the incurring of civil liability, of a citizen's arrest, or of subrogation, or illegally for the committing of an offense, of forcing a contract, or of using threats.
Constraint by threat.
To put under duress; to pressure.